Wednesday, December 31, 2008

WPH Airmiles Program Pays Off

The WPH Air miles Program, and a lot of help from #2 World Ranked Pro Emmett Peixoto, pays off- As you may recall the WPH created various air mile accounts with most of the major airline companies this past summer. We had one goal in mind: Help a junior player fly to the USHA 4-Wall Junior Nationals in Vancouver, Washington.

Upon reading this blog and various emails in circulation on the matter, Emmett Peixoto decided to transfer his personal air miles to the WPH and made a vow to fly exclusively on the WPH Air mile Program.

"Shirley Chen from New York is a student that I met and I really encouraged her to attend the 4-wall junior nationals for experience and participation. Luckily I had enough cash on-hand and the WPH Air miles Program to fall back on." - Emmett Peixoto #2 World Ranked Pro

It doesn't stop there. Emmett Peixoto has committed to flying exclusively on the WPH Accounts for the 2009 season. "Hopefully we will be able to fly multiple juniors and collegiate handball players to the next big event."

To read more about the WPH Air miles program, CLICK HERE..........


The WPH would like to thank EVERYONE who participated in this program and allowed Sherley to attend her first 4-wall Junior national event.

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